Fenurrito Way

Fenurrito Way

Date: November 2020

Fenurrito Way is a restaurant that serves Mexican Cuisine, located only on Lansdowne Street in Boston, Massachusetts right by Fenway Park. The name of Fenurrito Way is coined from the words Fenway and Burritos, a combination of the cuisine and location. Design concept is to capture a Red Sox “essence” by use of bold color and playful typography and imagery.


Fenurrito Way Logo

Fenurrito Way brandmark comprised of the clean and playful rendition of the Boston Red Sox type with its collegiate and sporty design and a baseball icon behind. The type of the logo is placed in an order in which you would read it as Fenway (in the large type) and urrito for the word burrito in between. In a way the type is sandwiched together on a baseball plate.

Menu Design

Fenurrito Way Menu OutsideFenurrito Way Menu Inside

Bar Menu Design

Fenurrito Way Bar Menu OutsideFenurrito Way Bar Menu Inside

Web Design

Fenurrito Way Web Design

Stationery Suite

Fenurrito Way Stationery Suite


Fenurrito Way Postcard FrontFenurrito Way Postcard Back

Advertising Campaign

Fenurrito Way Advertising Campaign 1Fenurrito Way Advertising Campaign 2Fenurrito Way Advertising Campaign 3

Meme Collection

Fenurrito Way Meme Collection 1Fenurrito Way Meme Collection 2Fenurrito Way Meme Collection 3

Social Media

Fenurrito Way FacebookFenurrito Way Instagram

Environmental Graphics

Fenurrito Way Environmental GraphicsFenurrito Way Window Signage


Fenurrito Way UniformFenurrito Way Baseball capFenurrito Way StickersFenurrito Way Take Out Materials

Brand Manual

350 Now Campaign Presentation Mock Up

Click the link below to view the brand manual for Fenurrito Way

Presentation PDF


Code Wiz

Code Wiz

Mount Everest

Mount Everest

Visual Effects
Tags Hardware

Tags Hardware

Integrated Advertising