Tags Hardware

Tags Hardware

Integrated Advertising
Date: March 2019
Client: Tags Hardware

Tags Hardware is a full-service independently owned by Ace hardware store in the Porter Square Shopping Center in Cambridge, MA. Tags is more than your usual hardware store, Tags is full line of housewares & hardware. Tags Hardware is a smaller retail/local store who may not have the most attractive discounts in comparison to superstores who sells their items in bulk.

The concept for the advertising campaign is to showcases items found within store and to present name, messaging and products with an engaging visual.

Logo Reduction Test

Tags Logo Reduction Test

The logo is based on one of the tag lines, “You’re IT!” The black icon next to Tags uses the letters I and T from the tag line, creating a shape of a house, with an addition of a roof and chimney to further make the icon look like a house. Not only that, but the letter H stands for Housewares and Hardware. The word Tags is inspired by the ACE logo, which is italicized and uses the colors red & black.

Print Campaign

Tags Hardware Print Campaign 1

Tags Hardware is in a fantastic location and is easily accessible through the subway stop, Porter Square. With the use of MBTA Advertisement, people can easily view the posters in the subway trains. The posters are fun and engaging. The images includes items that can be bought in the store. The items collaged together creates icons, such as a house or hammer.

Tags Hardware Print Campaign 2Tags Hardware Print Campaign 3Tags Hardware Print Campaign 4

Guerrilla Marketing

Tags Hardware Guerrilla Marketing

The subway station, Porter Square is an easy and accessible way to get to Tags Hardware, and what better way than to use that area as advertisement! Porter Square has the longest escalator in Boston. The long staircase next to it can be rented out and advertisement can be placed going along the stairs. The tag line used is, “TAGS Hardware, Just a Step away.” Quite literally, you are taking steps to go to the store. With the tag line, images of the items that can be bought in the store are on the stairs. This allows the customers to think about what they need to buy.

Logo Animation


Public Transit

Public Transit

Stop Motion
350 Now Campaign

350 Now Campaign

Advertising Campaign
Katie Pea Studio

Katie Pea Studio

Coffee Table Book